D&O, Management and Professional Liability

Mission Statement
The D&O and Management Liability Committee's goal is to promote an enhanced environment for the efficient and fair resolution of D&O coverage disputes. We focus our efforts on promoting communication among D&O practitioners with a balanced perspective, especially with regard to current developments in insurance law and legal issues involved in underlying claims.   

2024-2025 Co-Chairs

Emily Garrison
Emily Garrison
Honigman LLP

David Godwin
David Godwin
Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP

Contact:DandOmanagement @ americancollegecoverage.org

Selected Presentations & Papers:

Posted 3/3/3035

4th Circ.: Bankruptcy Trustees Lack Standing to Sue D&O Insurer

Posted 2/11/2025

Del. Sup. Ct. Holds Subpoena and Securities Suit Interrelated

In a closely watched case, the Delaware Supreme Court has reversed a lower court holding that a prior SEC subpoena and a later securities class action lawsuit were not interrelated. The Supreme Court held, contrary to the lower court, that the allegations in the subsequent securities suit were “meaningfully linked” to the alleged wrongful acts referenced in the insured’s prior notice of the subpoena. 

Posted 1/7/2025
Top 10 D&O Stories of 2024 by Kevin LaCroix, The D&O Diary

Posted 1/6/2025
Delaware Court Rules Against Insurers In the Harman 'Bump-Up' Case - Law 360

Posted 1/6/2025
D&O Cyber Issues Top Specialty Line Cases To Watch in 2025 - Law 360  

For previous articles, please visit the D&O, Management and Professional Liability Archive Page.

Past Co-Chairs

Nancy Kornegay

Joe Monteleone

Bob Allen

John Mumford
Seth Lamden

John Mumford
Joann Lytle

John Mumford

Joann Lytle

Michael Manire

Seth Lamden

Michael Manire
Mitchell Dolin

2017-2018 Co-Chairs
Michael Manire
Mitchell Dolin

Michael Manire
Mitchell Dolin